Ever see these beautiful containers and wonder how did they know what to plant and what will look good together? We hear this a lot, which is why we are happy to plant your containers for you. Whether it is items you are looking for specifically or you want us to take charge and surprise you. Whatever you decide, we have put together a list of annuals and perennials that always look good in pots.

Grasses are always on the top of our list. Whether its purple fountain grass (Rubrum), Pink Muhly (new in 2024), Miscanthus, or Pennisetum, you cannot go wrong. These make great centerpieces.
Colocasia, Caladium, and Gryphon Begonias (new 2024) do not flower, but boy do they make a statement.
Canna- Great as a centerpiece and if you can bring in your pot at the end of the season, you may get lucky and get it back the following year.
Hostas make great fillers for containers in shady areas.
Angelonia, Nepeta, phlox, sedum, and veronica are also great choices.
Anything that trails- Sweet potato vine, Lysimachia Goldilocks (creeping jenny) 4"Calibrachoa, Dorotheanthus (NEW 2024)