Whether you live in the city or in the middle of nowhere, we all have problems with deer eating our precious perennials. Below is a list of just a few items that the deer would prefer not to munch on. Please add to our list, if something has worked for you.
Grasses-Deer do not like some ornamental grasses as they may contain natural chemicals that omit a strong scent that humans may not notice and make them less appealing than some sweeter flowers.
Little Blue Stem
Big Blue Stem
Blue Fescue
Karl Forester
Blue Oat Grass
Arundinacea (Moor grass)
Pancium Virgatum (switch grass)
Sorghastrum (Indian grass)
Mondo Grass
Shrubs-Deer are very sensitive to smell, so they avoid shrubs like juniper and spruce. Shrubs with thorns and sharp leaves will also be a deterrent. Below are a few shrubs that we stock that will also turn their noses up on.
Butterfly Bush
False Cypress
Rose of Sharon
Perennials- There are so many perennials that deer do not like based on smell and texture. We have listed just a few here to get you started.
Achillea, Ajuga, Asclepias( milkweed), Anemone, Allium (millennium), Astilbe, baptisia, Bergenia, Brunnera, bearded iris, Clematis, Coreopsis, Delphinium, Dianthus, Dicentra (bleeding heart) Digitalis, Echinacea (coneflowers), Ferns, Foxglove, Gaillardia, Goats Beard, Globe Thistle, Herbs such as lavender, rosemary and anise, Heuchera, Hibiscus, Lamium, Ligularia, Lobelia, Monarda (bee balm), Nepeta, Papaver (poppy) , Paeonia, Pulmonaria, Rudabeckia, Russian sage, Salvia, Sedum, Veronica, Viola, Yarrow and Yucca.