Perennial ground cover can be a wonderful, low-maintenance garden solution. Ground cover plants tend to do well where some other plants have a hard time growing (slopes, rocky, sandy, clay), since they do not need much depth for their root system to grow. We have put together a small list of perennials that we stock that might be worth taking a second look at.
Ajuga -Spreads fast and can become invasive. Chocolate Chip is a great variety.
Anemone- Some might disagree with me, but we love this as ground cover. It does spread slowly, and new plants will pop up around the existing plants. They do like mostly sun, but will tolerate some shade but will not spread as quickly. We like that they bloom early and will also bloom again late summer, early fall.
Campanula- colorful, whimsical and low-maintenance
Galium (Sweet woodruf) It prefers moist soil, but will survive in dry shade.
Hostas - We could go on forever about hostas. We will just leave it at that.
Lamium - Great for large area as it grows quickly. Works best in shady areas but since it is very adaptable it is a great transition plant between shade and sun areas.
Creeping Phlox- (one of our favorites). It comes in a variety of colors. It does prefer full sun or it may not bloom well. It will spread slowly in mounds 4-6"
Pulmonaria - One of the easiest ground cover perennials to grow as they do not require a lot of light. they do spread slowly, but the ground does need to stay moist (not wet) for them to thrive.
Sedum - Another one of our favorites. They do spread, but not invasive. They do have shallow root system so they are easy to remove. They do not liked to be watered often and do not might rocky soil.